Be A Celebrity Gunslinger With Our VIP System

1. What does VIP stands for?

VIP = Very Important Player

2. Is there any benefits in becoming a VIP?

Once the player updates his/her status to VIP, you'll immediately enter the VIP Growth System; You'll need to accumulate Growth Points to level up your VIP status and to upgrade your VIP Privileges

3. What are the Privileges of the VIPs?

The VIP Privileges can be divided into 2 parts
A) VIP Fixed Privileges - For all players who join the VIP System
B) VIP Preferred Privileges - Players will need to level up their VIP Status in order to select their Preferred Privileges. The higher your VIP Level, the more selections for you.
VIP 1 - Player has 1 Selection
VIP 2 - Player has 2 Selection
VIP 3 - Player has 3 Selections
VIP 4 - Player has 4 Selections
VIP 5 - Player has 5 Selections
VIP 6 - Player has 6 Selections

VIP Fixed Privileges
A) Special Logo: Logo differs according to VIP Level
B) Room Setting: Rooms created by VIP Users will be pinned to Top
C) Special Speaker: Unique Speaker Shoutout Logo
D) Exclusive Addition: VIP user's Honour Value + +50%
E) Void from Punishment: No deduction of Silver if quit game.
F) Exclusive Giftpack: Receive VIP Exclusive Giftpack on a weekly basis.

VIP Preferred Privileges
A) Green Channel - VIP Player can access into Channels that are full
B) Additional Mission - Selecting this privilege will enable VIP Players to enter a mission N Times (Mummy 4)
C) Additional Drop - Selecting this privilege will grant VIP Players additional Drop Rate
D) Silver Addition - Selecting this privilege will grant VIP Players additional Silver
E) Additional Revival - Selecting this privilege will grant VIP Player with additional N times of revival in certain mission

4. How to obtain the VIP Status?

Player can either purchase the VIP Tool Card from Item Mall or complete missions in order to receive VIP Tool Card (Random)

5. What is the VIP Growth System?

Once the player updates his/her status to VIP, you'll immediately enter the VIP Growth System; You'll need to accumulate Growth Points to level up your VIP status and to upgrade your VIP Privileges
Your VIP Status is divided into 6 levels: VIP 1 ~ VIP 6. Players who first receive their VIP Status will be given the VIP 1 status. The higher your VIP Level, the more privileges you'll unlock , The VIP levels are differentiated by colours
- VIP1:White
- VIP2:Green
- VIP3:Blue
- VIP4:Purple
- VIP5:Yellow
- VIP6:Orange

6. How to level up your VIP Status?

Your VIP Growth Point will start from 0. Once it reaches the designated point, your VIP level will automatically increases 1 level.

7. How to obtain points?

Growth Points = Daily Points + Spent Points + Competition Point

- (Daily Points)
Daily Points consist of the average fixed amount of points that the VIP players will obtain on a daily basis . A certain fixed amount of points will be added at 00:00 daily. Your VIP level will determine the amount of points increased

- (Spent Points)
Players who spend Gold will obtain Spent Points.

- (Competition Point)
Win: 3 Points , Tie: 2 Points , Lose: 1 Point
There is a maximum limit to the amount to competition points that you can receive daily. The maximum limit is 15 points

8. In what scenario will you lose your VIP Status?

A) You will lose your VIP Status if: your VIP Tool Card has expired; or if the Tool Card has been sold or destroyed. Your VIP Privileges will also become invalid.
B) Once you lose your VIP Status, your Growth Point will no longer increase.
C) Your Growth Points will maintain within 24hours after your VIP status becomes invalid.
D) If your VIP Status has been invalid for more than 24 hours, a certain amount of your Growth Points will be deducted at 00:00 on a daily basis. The points deducted is linked to your VIP Level
- VIP1:20 points per day
- VIP2:21 points per day
- VIP3:22 points per day
- VIP4:23 points per day
- VIP5:24 points per day
- VIP6:25 points per day
E) Deduction in Growth Points will result to the decrease in Player's VIP level. The Growth Point deduction will not exceed 0 and the player's VIP Level will remain at VIP1 with no Privileges available
F) VIP Expiry Reminder
- If the VIP Tool Card will expire in 3 days, you will receive a mail stating that "Your VIP Service is about to expire, please renew on time.
- If the VIP Tool Card will expire in 2 days, you will receive a mail stating that "Your VIP Service is about to expire, please renew on time.
- If the VIP Tool Card will expire in 1 day, you will receive a mail stating that "Your VIP Service is about to expire, please renew on time.